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TM Speed Test

The TM internet speed test tool is used to check real-time statistics of your internet speed including downloading, uploading speeds, jitter, and ping.

How do I check my TM internet speed?

To use the TM speed test, simply follow these instructions.

  1. Connect a computer/smartphone to your TM internet.

  2. On the connected device, open a web browser and paste the following URL: https://wifispeed.io/tm-speed-test.

  3. On the tool web page, click/tap the “Go” button to start the speed test.

  4. The TM speed test will generate a report that shows the internet metrics.

Check the performance of other Malaysian ISPs' internet with our speed test tools like Unifi Internet speed test.

TM Services

TM (Telekom Malaysia) is a telecommunication company in Malaysia. It was started in 1984 as the national telecommunications company for fixed line, radio, and television broadcasts. Let’s take a look at some of their services.

TM One

TM One is the branding for the services provided to the government and enterprises. Internet services offered under TM One include:

  • Managed SD-WAN

  • Managed Network

TM One provides direct internet, metro ethernet, Cloud Xpress route, IP VPN, and a host of other services. The connectivity options include VSAT, xDSL, LTE, Ethernet, and Fibre. Due to the TM One network being private, you get enhanced security as well.

TM Global

TM Global is the branding used to provide services to global enterprises. According to TM Global, their services are more focused on ASEAN countries.

Their services include:

  • TM Edge:A service aimed at bringing content closer to the end user with the help of content delivery networks, last-mile delivery, and edge computing.

  • Data solutions: Services include global SD-WAN, IP transit, International Ethernet Private Line (IEPL), Global Ethernet, Global IPVPN, Wholesale Internet Access, and Wholesale Ethernet.

  • Voice & message: This package includes services like Bilateral Voice, Hubbing Voice services, TM Local Number Solution (LNS), and TM Wholesale VoIP.

  • Mobile and Wireless Solutions: These services include radio access networks (RAN) and in-building coverage (IBN) for maximum cellular network coverage.

  • Hosting Solutions: Hosting solutions include services like edge facilities and data centers. The main idea behind these services is to provide scalable solutions at a lower cost with much better security.

With these services, Telekom Malaysia has established itself as a juggernaut in the SEA region.

TM Support Numbers

  • For Local Lines or Mobile Dial: 100

  • For International Lines: +603-2241 1290

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How fast is TM's internet?

The fastest download speed available on TM is 2 Gbps.

How can I improve my TM internet speed?

You can improve your TM internet speed by doing the following:

  • Using the 5 GHz band on your WiFi 6 router. This will prevent interference from 2.4 GHz devices.

  • Keeping your internet devices closer to the WiFi router.

  • Use an ethernet cable instead of WiFi.

  • Limit the number of devices linked to the modem to free up bandwidth.

How often should I use the TM Speedtest tool?

You should use it every week to make sure your internet is working fine. You should also use it anytime you notice that the internet is slower than usual.

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